2 Answer the questions about your profile to complete the planner. PLANNER Part of profile Welcome message My family Other My interests My best friends My photos At the moment, I'm... Use your imagination! www.MyTeenSite.org/arman-kazakhstan Use your imagination! Welcome to Arman's page! your name your age where you live your parents' names your parents' jobs your brothers and sisters other family members your pets your hobbies, interests and things you like/love doing friend 1 their name what they are doing now friend 2 their name what they are doing now friend 3 their name what they are doing now photo 1 photo 2 Me!/My two sisters./My computer, etc playing basketball with friends. Your notes This is your page! What other things do you want to say about yourself? Try to come up with one more section. Use your imagination! My favourite films!/My favourite TV programmes! Welcom​

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