5 Write sentences using the prompts. Use the most
appropriate future forms.
Can't wait for our ski trip next week!
'What time /the plane / leave/Monday?
10:10 a.m. I've booked a minibus to take us
all to the airport.
We/probably / get to your
flat / at 7:15 a.m.
OK, thanks. According to my weather app,
it/snow/while / we/be/there so hopefully
"the conditions / be / good for skiing.
Great! I guess we/ arrive at the resort /
at around 3 p.m. The hotel / organise / our
equipment/ by that time but 'we/probably/
not be able to/ski/until Tuesday. I'll send out
an itinerary to everyone tomorrow.
I/be/just about / ask / about an itinerary.
You're so organised, thanks so much. We all
owe you!

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