3 Complete the postcard with the verbs below. Use the past simple. not be not buy go go have play sunbathe not want Hi Rose, We're having a great time in Italy. We spent the first day on the beach. I 2 Sam 3 weather 4 5 AIR MAIL morning, but we After lunch, we kayaking to come with me - he on the beach. Yesterday, the great, so we to the shopping district in the any souvenirs. cards and board dinner in a games. Last night, we 8. pizza restaurant. Back on Sunday. See you then! Love. Anna Rose Wh 4 Old Roa Brighton UK 1 Circle 1 'W 2 Ca 3 Th th 4 W 5 M 6 M cl 7 W 2 Mat a-g Pres a f b f di Pre e f 0.0 g C​

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